Friday, December 10, 2010

My Future, No Regrets

I responded to Shiyun's post about the future.
     What does future mean? What is the future that awaits us all? I have been thinking about my future recently and thought that there is no answer to what that will await me. There is no way I would know what my future will be like, for I have to decide that myself. For every decision that I make in life, there will be a result to things. No one can really change what they have done or go back to the past and start over again. We will also have to look at the road ahead and make better decisions.
Shiyun is right when she says that she doesn't know what will happen in her future, but that she could change her future at any moment that she wants. When people make certain decisions in their lives, then that is what shapes them as a person in the future. I know that if I were to make bad choices in my life now, then that will affect my life later on.

In the same matter, I always say that I don't regret anything that I do in my life and its true. I think that people should never live their life with regrets for anything because the decisions that they made is what brought them to where they are in life right now. I do not regret anything that I have done in my lifetime. Sometimes I did make some stupid decisions, but I would never change none of that. If I wouldn't have made those specific choices, then I wouldn't be what I am today: happy.

I honestly don't know what's going to happen with me in the future. I do not know what I am going to do later on, but I am not worried. Although I do have goals that I have set for myself, they don't always work out the way we want them to. Either way, I know that I will make the right choices sooner or later. Even if I do mess up sometimes in life in the way I do things, I still will never regret anything in my future. People that live their lives with regrets are unhappy in the present day because they always wish they could turn back the clock and not make those mistakes. I could never be like that.