Friday, December 3, 2010

Making Jokes

This quote is from Lhadze's post about jokes,
The element of a joke is the part where its funny, but when people take it too far, it does not become a joke, it's an insult. Sometimes, when it gets to the point to where it is an insult and can cause a HUGE conflict.  And it can lead people to depression or lack of self confidence because you've entered their bubble and made fun of them. It's an enormous put down to some people because making fun of their race, or a personal issue, can serverly hurt them and leave them alone and in fear of the person. Whereas if you tone down the level of insult in a joke, you'll probably be better off....But always know the diference between a joke and a rude comment.
Lhadze talks about how people can get hurt when there is a joke made about them. I agree that it is wrong to make fun of someone for something that they can't help, but at the same time, we are teenagers and we like to make fun of each other through jokes.

For me, I like to make jokes about people, but only to the ones who know how to laugh along and not get so butt-hurt when I say it. I wouldn't make fun of someone if I knew that they wouldn't know how to take a joke. I know my limits and even if I make jokes, I would not take it too far, only with people who I am closer to. If i don't know someone, then of course it would be wrong to poke fun at them.

When it comes to race, it isn't the subject that people should be making fun of because that's just pure racism.

Rude comments are wrong to say to people, but you have to understand that sometimes, they just blurt out and then when we do say it aloud, it's too late to think about the other persons' feelings.

What people really need to understand is that they shouldn't get mad at every joke that is made about them, especially when it's coming from a person like me who loves to joke around, but not actually cause anyone harm. Kids need to learn how to laugh along.

Another point is that the kids who are being joked on, they should learn how to speak up and just joke back. If someone makes a joke about you, then just do it back to them. It's fun to see people go at it in a funny way with jokes that are not intended to hurt people. If you are one of those people, then just learn to laugh along and don't start crying and getting mad just because someone wants to make jokes. It is a way of life and jokes help get you through the day with laughter.