Friday, December 17, 2010

Hunger Games pt.3

In the final part to Hunger Games, me and my groups spoke about our predictions for the next book, Catching Fire.

We mainly discussed about who we thought that Katniss would really end up with in the end of all of the Games. Was she going to choose Peeta and Gale? Throughout the Hunger Games in the arena, Katniss was confused on who she was going to stay with. She was always doubting if Peeta really loved her or was he doing it for the cameras by playing the game right. We wondered if when Gale was watching the games on television, was he jealous of the relationship that Katniss and Peeta had formed? Was he angry? What would be his first reaction when he would see Katniss again or would he not care?

The question that came up was what happened to the tributes that were mutated after they killed Cato? The mutation had just came out of no where and when they finished their job, they just left. Were they just an object to the Games or were they the advantage and support that Katniss and Peeta needed in order to win the Hunger Games

The most surprising part that stood out for me was the fact that Katniss did Peeta wrong throughout the Games. In the end, she finally admitted to him that she only pretended to love him in the arena as a method to survive throughout the Hunger Games. My entire group thought that Katniss was really serious in the beginning when she first found Peeta in the Hunger Games. She always had mixed feelings and although she thought that Peeta was playing the game the whole time, it was really her that had played him. If Katniss was just doing for the game, why didn't Katniss just leave Peeta throughout the game when he was such a burden? If she really just pretended to love Peeta to come out victorious from the game, why didn't Katniss kill him the first chance that she got to?

We also talked about how we didn't really like the book. There was not enough excitement as I expected. Katniss basically just hid to not get killed and she did little to nothing as in killing others to win.