Saturday, October 30, 2010

Question Respond

My blog post were I express what is going on my mind. Is were I get to free write about what ever I want to. I like the fact that no one tells me what I have to write about, I just let my mind flow free and basically wonder around. When I get my ideas for my blog it is easier to choice what I am going to write about because is not an assignment given to me, is where I just let my mind wonder off.
One of the question is asking me how is writing blog different from regular formal writing. It is different in many ways. One would be what I had said earlier that I feel like I could write about anything I want with out someone telling me no you cannot do that. For example since football season is on I usually watch the games on Sunday and Monday night. It is different from what I would usually be ask to write at school because regular assignments are formal essays. I am giving a specific topic to write about, I feel like I cannot express my self as much. For example in school I am writing an essay about my diet, I am not trying to say that I do not care about my health and my body weight, but it is not going to change the way I eat. I am still going to eat fast food and junk food with out looking at the label on the back of the product. So as you can see at school I am tell to write about a topic that does not catch my mind. While on the other hand in my blog I am able to write about the things I like.
Another way it is different is that it does not have to be so long. What I am trying to say is that if I have something that I want to write about and I really do not have to say a lot about it is ok because the word limit for my blog is 350. Also I do not have to do no research for my blog, I do not have to go and work cite if I do not want to. While in formal writing I have to go research about the topic I am writing about and do work cited. Also I have to write way more than in a regular post. My limit for a regular formal essay is at least more that five pages. So basically I need to keep on writing about the same thing into I reach that goal. In my post I can write about something and once I ran out of saying something I can stop because 350 words is not as much as five pages. Also if I do have a lot to say a lot in one of my blog post I can pass the limit of 350 words to 500 and if I still have more to say I can divide the blog into two or more blogs so they would count for another blog.
Blog is were I feel like a free writer. I have more freedom in my blog than in a formal writing assignment. I do not have to go and do research and do a lot of extra work. Also it is not as much writing, the limit between a blog post and a regular formal writing assignment is a lot. I feel that in my blog post I get lees work, I get to chill back and write about what is in my mind or what I am interested of writing about.
Another question that I am going to write about is where do I get my blog post idea from and what inspires me to write? Well I get my ideas from what happens in the week. So as I had said earlier when I watch football I decide to write about what happened in the game and share how I feel about them. The reason why I choose to write about the football games is to inform people. Inform them about what had happened and share some of the greatest highlights of the week. Also to inform them that Raiders are the best team in the NFL. So basically I decide to write about football to inform. Like to share my opinions and the way I feel about certain teems and plays.
Another way that I decide what to write in my blog is to what I do at school. I like to write about what we read in English class. For example the book night, I thought that this book was a really good book o read so I wanted people to read it, and to do this I inform them about how great this book was. I tell them some events that happens on the book so when they read about it they could see how great of a book Night it is.
Also I choose what to write about from what I like. So what ever is on my mind I just start writing about, I just let my mind wonder. I basically write about what I like at points, but most of the time I write about events that happened in the week my blog post are needed done. I write to inform people about the events that happened in the week, and to all the football fans in A.S.T.I.
One of my goals that I have for this semester that I have is to start writing more formal. I want to still be able to write about what ever u want but I need to spent more time on it. I need to take it more serious, not just do it because it is homework. Another goal is to start writing more, I usually just reach for 350 words since that is what I need to reach. Now I am trying to make my goal 500 words. I need to set my goal higher.