Monday, October 11, 2010


vanessaHe kept wondering why would he let all this happened to them. I and is true if they day god is all about protecting a person why would he let such thing happened to someone. He should had prevent this from happening, I believe that no person deserves what is happening to them to happened to them.

I would like to write about this quote because it reminds me of what we were talking about in the class. Our discussion was about how if god is all about bringing the best to people why would he let such thing happened. Why would he aloud people to be treated like this. This questions really made our class think, it made us winder about if there really is a god or not. I think that if we would had gotten more time talk about this subject we would had gone on and on because is a really interesting topic to discuss about. I like how people were not afraid to share out there thoughts about whether god is real or not.

This questions made me wonder if there is really a god. Is not that I have anything about god because I do not want to offend no one with my thoughts. Because it is true why would god let this happened. I understand why some people may say that everything happened for a reason but this. This should never ever be aloud to happened. The fact that people were not just mistreated but burn to death make it really wrong for this to happened.

So as you can see this is why I am questioning about whether god is real or not. Because what the Jews went true was not wrong it was beyond wrong. If I was god I would not let this happened, if I had the power that he had I would had not let the Jews suffer like this.

Also I really like the conversation that we were having in our class because even though some people may believe in god they did not get offended while we were having this conversation.