Friday, February 25, 2011

Joy Luck Club

In the first chapter of the Joy Luck Club, one of the main characters, Shuyun Woo tells her daughter a story with many different endings. Each time that she told her the story, she had a different ending to it.

The first ending talks about how she and three other women  started the Joy Luck Club. They all were in this club to support each other and they stuck together during the hard times. Although people would criticize them for being so happy at a hard time, they still went on with their club.

The next ending that she told her daughter was that at  the Joy Luck Club meetings, the four women used to play a game and when she won money from it, she bought a cup of rice that she turned in to porridge. Then she had two feet from a pig that turned into six eggs. and from those six eggs became six chickens. June said that the story seem to always grow more and more each time.

The final ending to this story took place in Kweilin where Shuyuan was with her first husband and two babies. This was when she told her daughter, June what really happened in Kweilin.When her husband was an officer, she stayed at home, while the Japanese were trying to take over. A man who worked with her husband showed up at her door one day and told her to flee. She listened and took with her only two bags and her children. The two bags had food and the other had clothes. When she was running away, her hands began to get bloody, so Shuyuan Woo decided to let the bags go. After her arms were tired of holding her two babies, she had to let them go as well.

The message that Shuyuan Woo is trying to send to her daughter, June Woo is that she should be grateful for all that she has and that she should not be complaining about anything. Shuyuan Woo had to sacrifice her babies for her to make a better life for herself in America.